Mixnet Module#
The Mixnet module is a crucial part of the Decide application, focusing on the mix network functionality. The following sections provide documentation for its various components.
- class mixnet.models.Mixnet[source]#
Django Model representing a Mixnet entity in the context of electronic voting.
- voting_id#
Identifier for the voting instance.
- Type:
- auth_position#
Position of the authorization in the mixnet.
- Type:
- auths#
Relation to multiple Auth instances.
- Type:
- key#
Foreign key to a Key instance, nullable.
- Type:
- pubkey#
Foreign key to a Key instance for public key, nullable.
- Type:
- exception DoesNotExist#
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned#
- auth_position#
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- auths#
Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.
In the example:
class Pizza(Model): toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')
instances.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- chain_call(path, data)[source]#
Makes a chained API call to the next authorization in the mixnet.
- Parameters:
path (str) – The API path for the call.
data (dict) – Data to be sent in the API call.
- Returns:
The response from the API call or None.
- Return type:
Response or None
- decrypt(msgs, pk, last=False)[source]#
Decrypts the provided messages using the mixnet’s cryptographic settings.
- Parameters:
msgs (list) – The messages to decrypt.
pk (Key) – Public key used in the decryption process.
last (bool) – Indicates if this is the last decryption step.
- Returns:
Decrypted messages.
- Return type:
- gen_key(p=0, g=0)[source]#
Generates a cryptographic key for the mixnet.
- Parameters:
p (int, optional) – Prime number, part of the cryptographic key.
g (int, optional) – Generator number, part of the cryptographic key.
- id#
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- key#
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- key_id#
- next_auths()[source]#
Retrieves the next set of authorizations in the mixnet.
- Returns:
The next set of Auth instances.
- Return type:
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>#
- pubkey#
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- pubkey_id#
- shuffle(msgs, pk)[source]#
Shuffles the provided messages using the mixnet’s cryptographic settings.
- Parameters:
msgs (list) – The messages to shuffle.
pk (Key) – Public key used in the shuffling process.
- Returns:
Shuffled messages.
- Return type:
- voting_id#
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
>>> B = 256
>>> k1 = MixCrypt(bits=B)
>>> k2 = MixCrypt(k=k1.k, bits=B)
>>> k3 = gen_multiple_key(k1, k2)
>>> N = 4
>>> clears = [random.StrongRandom().randint(1, B) for i in range(N)]
>>> cipher = [k3.encrypt(i) for i in clears]
>>> d = multiple_decrypt_shuffle(cipher, k1, k2)
>>> clears == d
>>> sorted(clears) == sorted(d)
>>> B = 256
>>> k1 = MixCrypt(bits=B)
>>> k1.setk(167,156,89,130)
<Crypto.PublicKey.ElGamal.ElGamalobj object at 0x...>
>>> k2 = MixCrypt(bits=B)
>>> k2.setk(167,156,53,161)
<Crypto.PublicKey.ElGamal.ElGamalobj object at 0x...>
>>> k3 = MixCrypt(bits=B)
>>> k3.k = ElGamal.construct((167, 156, 4717))
>>> k3.k.p, k3.k.g, k3.k.y
(167, 156, 4717)
>>> N = 4
>>> clears = [2,3,6,4]
>>> cipher = [(161, 109), (17, 101), (148, 163), (71, 37)]
>>> d = multiple_decrypt_shuffle(cipher, k2, k1)
>>> clears == d
>>> sorted(clears) == sorted(d)
- class mixnet.mixcrypt.MixCrypt[source]#
A class for cryptographic operations based on the ElGamal encryption scheme.
- Parameters:
k (ElGamal key, optional) – Optional pre-existing key to initialize the MixCrypt.
bits (int) – Bit size for the key generation.
- decrypt(c)[source]#
Decrypts an ElGamal encrypted message.
- Parameters:
c (tuple) – The encrypted message tuple.
- Returns:
The decrypted message.
- Return type:
- encrypt(m, k=None)[source]#
Encrypts a message using ElGamal encryption.
- Parameters:
m (int) – The message to encrypt.
k (ElGamal key, optional) – Optional key to use for encryption. If not provided, use the instance’s key.
- Returns:
The encrypted message.
- Return type:
- gen_perm(l)[source]#
Generates a permutation of indices for a given length.
- Parameters:
l (int) – The length of the list to generate a permutation for.
- Returns:
A list of permuted indices.
- Return type:
- genk()[source]#
Generates a new ElGamal key.
- Returns:
The generated ElGamal key.
- Return type:
ElGamal key
- getk(p, g)[source]#
Constructs an ElGamal key from given parameters.
- Parameters:
p (int) – Prime number.
g (int) – Generator number.
- Returns:
The constructed ElGamal key.
- Return type:
ElGamal key
- multiple_decrypt(msgs, last=True)[source]#
Decrypts multiple messages, optionally leaving them in tuple form.
- Parameters:
msgs (list) – List of encrypted message tuples.
last (bool) – If True, return the clear message; if False, return a tuple with the original ‘a’ value and the decrypted ‘b’.
- Returns:
List of decrypted messages or message tuples.
- Return type:
- reencrypt(cipher, pubkey=None)[source]#
Re-encrypts an encrypted message, optionally with a new public key.
- Parameters:
cipher (tuple) – The encrypted message to re-encrypt.
pubkey (tuple, optional) – Optional public key for re-encryption. If not provided, the instance’s key is used.
- Returns:
The re-encrypted message.
- Return type:
- setk(p, g, y, x)[source]#
Sets the ElGamal key with specified parameters.
- Parameters:
p (int) – Prime number.
g (int) – Generator number.
y (int) – Public key component.
x (int) – Private key component.
- Returns:
The set ElGamal key.
- Return type:
ElGamal key
- shuffle(msgs, pubkey=None)[source]#
Re-encrypts and shuffles a list of messages.
- Parameters:
msgs (list) – The list of messages to re-encrypt and shuffle.
pubkey (tuple, optional) – Optional public key for re-encryption. If not provided, the instance’s key is used.
- Returns:
The shuffled and re-encrypted list of messages.
- Return type:
- shuffle_decrypt(msgs, last=True)[source]#
Shuffles and decrypts a list of encrypted messages.
- Parameters:
msgs (list) – The list of messages to shuffle and decrypt.
last (bool) – If True, only the decrypted message is returned; if False, a tuple is returned with the original ‘a’ value and the decrypted ‘b’.
- Returns:
The shuffled and decrypted list of messages.
- Return type:
- mixnet.mixcrypt.gen_multiple_key(*crypts)[source]#
Generates a combined MixCrypt object from multiple MixCrypt objects.
- Parameters:
crypts (tuple) – Variable number of MixCrypt objects.
- Returns:
A new MixCrypt object with combined properties.
- Return type:
- mixnet.mixcrypt.multiple_decrypt(c, *crypts)[source]#
Sequentially decrypts a cipher using multiple MixCrypt objects.
- Parameters:
c (tuple) – The cipher to decrypt.
crypts (tuple) – Variable number of MixCrypt objects for decryption.
- Returns:
The decrypted message.
- Return type:
- mixnet.mixcrypt.multiple_decrypt_shuffle(ciphers, *crypts)[source]#
Sequentially decrypts and shuffles a list of ciphers using multiple MixCrypt objects.
- Parameters:
ciphers (list) – The list of ciphers to decrypt and shuffle.
crypts (tuple) – Variable number of MixCrypt objects for decryption and shuffling.
- Returns:
The list of decrypted and shuffled messages.
- Return type:
- mixnet.mixcrypt.multiple_decrypt_shuffle2(ciphers, *crypts, pubkey=None)[source]#
Decrypts and shuffles a list of ciphers using multiple MixCrypt objects.
- Parameters:
ciphers (list) – The list of ciphers to decrypt and shuffle.
crypts (tuple) – Variable number of MixCrypt objects for decryption and shuffling.
pubkey (tuple, optional) – Optional public key used in the shuffling process.
- Returns:
The list of decrypted and shuffled messages.
- Return type:
- class mixnet.views.MixnetViewSet[source]#
API endpoint that allows mixnets to be viewed or edited.
- create(request)[source]#
This create a new mixnet and public key
auths: [ {“name”: str, “url”: str} ]
voting: id
position: int / nullable
key: { “p”: int, “g”: int } / nullable
- queryset#
- serializer_class#
alias of
- class mixnet.tests.MixnetCase[source]#
Test case class for Mixnet related operations.
This class contains several test methods for testing Mixnet functionalities including encryption, shuffling, and decryption in various scenarios.
- encrypt_msgs(msgs, pk, bits=256)[source]#
Encrypts a list of messages using the provided public key.
- Parameters:
msgs (list) – Messages to be encrypted.
pk (tuple) – Public key used for encryption.
bits (int) – Bit size for encryption.
- Returns:
List of encrypted messages.
- Return type:
- setUp()[source]#
Set up function for test case.
Initializes the test client and applies necessary mocks.
- test_create()[source]#
Test case for creating a Mixnet instance.
Validates the creation and key types of a new Mixnet instance.
- test_decrypt()[source]#
Test case for decrypting shuffled messages in Mixnet.
Validates decryption functionality and ensures decrypted messages match the original pre-shuffled messages.
- test_multiple_auths()[source]#
This test emulates a two authorities shuffle and decryption.
We create two votings, one with id 1 and another one with id 2, to have this separated in the test db.
Then we compose the PublicKey of both auths.
Then we encrypt the text with the PK and shuffle two times, once with each voting/auth.
Then we decrypt with the first voting/auth and decrypt the result with the second voting/auth.
- test_multiple_auths_mock()[source]#
Test case for emulating shuffle and decryption with multiple authorities using mocks.
Similar to ‘test_multiple_auths’ but uses mocked data and settings.