Auth Module#
The Auth module is responsible for various functionalities. This section documents the components of the Booth module, including models, views, and more.
- class authentication.views.CustomUserCreationForm[source]#
Custom form for user registration.
Extends UserCreationForm to add custom validation methods for username and password.
- class Meta[source]#
- fields = ('username', 'password1', 'password2', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name')#
- labels = {'email': 'Email', 'first_name': 'First Name', 'last_name': 'Last Name', 'password1': 'Password', 'password2': 'Confirm Password', 'username': 'Username'}#
- model#
alias of
- base_fields = {'email': <django.forms.fields.EmailField object>, 'first_name': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'last_name': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'password1': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'password2': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'username': <django.contrib.auth.forms.UsernameField object>}#
- clean_confirmation(password, confirm_password)[source]#
Validate that the entered passwords match.
- Parameters:
password (str) – The first entered password.
confirm_password (str) – The second entered password for confirmation.
- Returns:
True if the passwords do not match, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- clean_password_common(password)[source]#
Check if the entered password is common.
- Parameters:
password (str) – The password to be checked.
- Returns:
True if the password is common, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- clean_password_lenght(password)[source]#
Validate the length of the password.
- Parameters:
password (str) – The password to be validated.
- Returns:
True if the password has fewer than 8 characters, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- clean_password_numeric(password)[source]#
Check if the password consists only of numeric characters.
- Parameters:
password (str) – The password to be checked.
- Returns:
True if the password consists only of numeric characters, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- clean_password_too_similar(password, username, first_name, last_name)[source]#
Check if the password is too similar to personal data.
- Parameters:
password (str) – The password to be checked.
username (str) – The username of the user.
first_name (str) – The first name of the user.
last_name (str) – The last name of the user.
- Returns:
True if the password is too similar to personal data, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- declared_fields = {'password1': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>, 'password2': <django.forms.fields.CharField object>}#
- email_clean(email)[source]#
Check if the email already exists in the database.
- Parameters:
email (str) – The email to be checked.
- Returns:
True if the email already exists, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- property media#
Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.
- username_clean_exits(username)[source]#
Check if the username already exists in the database.
- Parameters:
username (str) – The username to be checked.
- Returns:
True if the username already exists, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- class authentication.views.GetUserView[source]#
API view for retrieving user information.
Handles POST requests to retrieve user information based on the provided user token.
- class authentication.views.LoginView[source]#
View for handling user login.
Inherits from CreateView to handle user login. Uses CustomUserCreationForm for customized user registration.
- form_class#
alias of
- model#
alias of
- post(request)[source]#
Handle POST requests to log in a user.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – The incoming HTTP request containing the username and password.
- Returns:
An HTTP response indicating the success or failure of the login operation.
- Return type:
- template_name = 'authentication/login.html'#
- class authentication.views.LogoutView[source]#
API view for logging out a user.
Handles POST requests to log out a user by deleting their authentication token.
- class authentication.views.RegisterView[source]#
View for user registration.
Inherits from CreateView to handle user registration. Uses CustomUserCreationForm for customized user registration.
- form_class#
alias of
- get_form(form_class=None)[source]#
Customize the form widget attributes.
- Parameters:
form_class (CustomUserCreationForm) – The form class.
- Returns:
The customized form.
- Return type:
- model#
alias of
- post(request)[source]#
Handle POST requests to register a new user.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – The incoming HTTP request containing user registration data.
- Returns:
An HTTP response indicating the success or failure of the registration.
- Return type:
- template_name = 'authentication/register.html'#
- class authentication.views.RegisterViewAPI[source]#
API view for registering a new user.
Handles POST requests to register a new user with admin privileges.
- class authentication.serializers.UserSerializer[source]#
Serializer class for User model.
Serializes User instances to JSON data and vice versa.
- model#
The User model to be serialized.
- fields#
The fields to include in the serialized data.
- class Meta[source]#
Meta class for UserSerializer.
Defines metadata options for the serializer.
- model#
The User model to be serialized.
- fields#
The fields to include in the serialized data.
- fields = ('id', 'username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'is_staff')#
- model#
alias of
- class authentication.test_selenium.TestLoginNegative[source]#
Test case for negative user login scenarios.
Inherits from StaticLiveServerTestCase to test views using a live server.
Methods: - setUp: Set up the test environment before each test case. - tearDown: Tear down the test environment after each test case. - testloginnegative: Test negative user login.
- setUp()[source]#
Set up the test environment before each test case.
Creates a BaseTestCase instance.
Configures a headless Chrome browser for testing.
- class authentication.test_selenium.TestLoginPositive[source]#
Test case for positive user login scenarios.
Inherits from StaticLiveServerTestCase to test views using a live server.
Methods: - setUp: Set up the test environment before each test case. - tearDown: Tear down the test environment after each test case. - testloginpositive: Test positive user login.
- setUp()[source]#
Set up the test environment before each test case.
Creates a BaseTestCase instance.
Configures a headless Chrome browser for testing.
- class authentication.test_selenium.TestRegisterNegative[source]#
Test case for negative user registration scenarios.
Inherits from StaticLiveServerTestCase to test views using a live server.
Methods: - setUp: Set up the test environment before each test case. - tearDown: Tear down the test environment after each test case. - testregisternegativewrongpassword: Test user registration with mismatched passwords. - testregisternegativelongusername: Test user registration with a too-long username. - testregisternegativeusername: Test user registration with an already taken username. - testregisternegativepatternusername: Test user registration with an invalid username pattern. - testregisternegativeemail: Test user registration with an already taken email. - testregisternegativeemail: Test user registration with an invalid email. - testregisternegativeemail: Test user registration with a short password. - testregisternegativecommonpass: Test user registration with a common password. - testregisternegativesimilarpass: Test user registration with a password similar to the username. - testregisternegativenumericpass: Test user registration with a numeric password.
- setUp()[source]#
Set up the test environment before each test case.
Creates a BaseTestCase instance.
Configures a headless Chrome browser for testing.
Sets up a mock API client.
Creates a test user in the database.
- tearDown()[source]#
Tear down the test environment after each test case.
Quits the Chrome browser.
Calls the tearDown method of the BaseTestCase instance.
- testregisternegativecommonpass()[source]#
Test user registration with a common password.
Accesses the registration view.
Fills in the registration form with a common password.
Submits the form.
Asserts that the user stays on the registration view and sees an alert.
- Returns:
- testregisternegativeemail()[source]#
Test user registration with an already taken email.
Accesses the registration view.
Fills in the registration form with an already taken email.
Submits the form.
Asserts that the user stays on the registration view and sees an alert.
- Returns:
- testregisternegativelongusername()[source]#
Test user registration with a too-long username.
Accesses the registration view.
Fills in the registration form with a too-long username.
Submits the form.
Asserts that the user stays on the registration view and sees an alert.
- Returns:
- testregisternegativenumericpass()[source]#
Test user registration with a numeric password.
Accesses the registration view.
Fills in the registration form with a numeric password.
Submits the form.
Asserts that the user stays on the registration view and sees an alert.
- Returns:
- testregisternegativepatternusername()[source]#
Test user registration with an invalid username pattern.
Accesses the registration view.
Fills in the registration form with an invalid username pattern.
Submits the form.
Asserts that the user stays on the registration view and sees an alert.
- Returns:
- testregisternegativesimilarpass()[source]#
Test user registration with a password similar to the username.
Accesses the registration view.
Fills in the registration form with a password similar to the username.
Submits the form.
Asserts that the user stays on the registration view and sees an alert.
- Returns:
- class authentication.test_selenium.TestRegisterPositive[source]#
Test case for positive user registration scenarios.
Inherits from StaticLiveServerTestCase to test views using a live server.
Methods: - setUp: Set up the test environment before each test case. - tearDown: Tear down the test environment after each test case. - testregisterpositive: Test positive user registration.
- setUp()[source]#
Set up the test environment before each test case.
Creates a BaseTestCase instance.
Configures a headless Chrome browser for testing.
- class authentication.tests.AuthTestCase[source]#
Test case for authentication-related functionality.
Inherits from APITestCase to provide utility functions for making API requests.
- setUp()[source]#
Set up the test environment.
Creates a test client, mocks a database query, and creates two users for testing.
- test_getuser()[source]#
Test retrieving user information after successful login.
Logs in a user, retrieves the user information, and checks if the received data is correct.
- Returns:
- test_getuser_invalid_token()[source]#
Test retrieving user information with an invalid token.
Logs in a user, logs them out, and then attempts to retrieve user information with the invalidated token. Expects a 404 status code.
- Returns:
- test_getuser_invented_token()[source]#
Test retrieving user information with an invented token.
Tries to retrieve user information with a token that does not exist and expects a 404 status code.
- Returns:
- test_login()[source]#
Test the login functionality.
Attempts to log in with valid credentials and checks for the presence of a token.
- Returns:
- test_login_fail()[source]#
Test login failure with incorrect password.
Attempts to log in with incorrect credentials and expects a 400 status code.
- Returns:
- test_logout()[source]#
Test user logout.
Logs in a user, logs them out, and checks if the corresponding token is removed.
- Returns:
- test_register()[source]#
Test user registration.
Logs in as an admin, attempts to register a new user, and checks if the registration is successful.
- Returns:
- test_register_bad_permissions()[source]#
Test user registration with insufficient permissions.
Logs in a user with insufficient permissions, attempts to register a new user, and expects a 401 status code.
- Returns: