Store Module#
The Store module is part of the Decide application, handling aspects related to data storage and management. Below is the Sphinx documentation for its components.
- class store.models.Vote[source]#
A model representing a vote in a voting system.
- voting_id#
The ID of the voting session this vote is associated with.
- Type:
- voter_id#
The ID of the voter who cast this vote.
- Type:
- a#
Encrypted data part A representing the vote.
- Type:
- b#
Encrypted data part B representing the vote.
- Type:
- voted#
The timestamp of when the vote was cast.
- Type:
- exception DoesNotExist#
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned#
- a#
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- b#
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- get_next_by_voted(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: voted>, is_next=True, **kwargs)#
- get_previous_by_voted(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: voted>, is_next=False, **kwargs)#
- id#
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>#
- voted#
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- voter_id#
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- voting_id#
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- store.utils.choices_store(request)[source]#
Processes and stores votes for a voting of type ‘choices’.
- Parameters:
request – Django HttpRequest object containing votes data.
- The request should contain:
voting (int): The ID of the voting.
voter (int): The ID of the voter.
votes (list): A list of dictionaries, each containing the ‘a’ and ‘b’ keys representing individual encrypted votes.
voting_type (str): A string representing the type of voting (‘choices’).
- Returns:
HTTP status code indicating the result of the operation.
- Raises:
HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED – If the voting is not found, or has not started, or is closed.
HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST – If the voting ID, voter ID, or votes data is missing or invalid.
- store.utils.classic_store(request)[source]#
Processes and stores a classic type vote.
- Parameters:
request – Django HttpRequest object containing vote data.
- The request should contain:
voting (int): The ID of the voting.
voter (int): The ID of the voter.
vote (dict): A dictionary containing the ‘a’ and ‘b’ keys representing the encrypted vote.
voting_type (str): A string representing the type of voting (‘yesno’, ‘classic’, ‘comment’, ‘preference’).
- Returns:
HTTP status code indicating the result of the operation.
- Raises:
HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED – If the voting is not found, or has not started, or is closed.
HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST – If the voting ID, voter ID, or vote data is missing or invalid.
- class store.views.StoreView[source]#
API view for listing and creating votes.
Inherits from Django Rest Framework’s ListAPIView to provide a method for listing existing votes and a method for creating new votes based on the voting type.
- queryset#
A queryset that includes all Vote objects.
- serializer_class#
Serializer class used to serialize Vote objects.
- filter_backends#
Set of filter backends to be used for the queryset.
- filterset_fields#
Fields of the Vote model that can be filtered.
- filter_backends = (<class 'django_filters.rest_framework.backends.DjangoFilterBackend'>,)#
- filterset_fields = ('voting_id', 'voter_id')#
- get(request)[source]#
Handles GET requests to retrieve a list of votes.
- Parameters:
request – HttpRequest object.
- Returns:
Response object containing serialized Vote data.
- Raises:
PermissionDenied – If the user is not staff.
- post(request)[source]#
Handles POST requests to create a new vote based on the voting type.
- Parameters:
request – HttpRequest object containing voting_type and vote data.
- Returns:
Response object with an HTTP status code.
- Raises:
HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST – If voting_type is not in the predefined voting types.
- queryset#
- serializer_class#
alias of
- class store.tests.StoreChoiceCase[source]#
Test case for storing votes with choices.
This class tests the functionality of storing votes for different types of voting, including classic, choices, text, yes/no, and preference types.
- gen_votes()[source]#
Generate random votes for testing.
- Returns:
A tuple containing lists of generated voting IDs and user IDs.
- Return type:
- gen_voting(pk)[source]#
Generate a voting object for testing.
- Parameters:
pk (int) – Primary key for the voting object.
Creates a Voting object with specified primary key and saves it to the database.
- get_or_create_user(pk)[source]#
Get an existing user or create a new one for testing.
- Parameters:
pk (int) – Primary key of the user.
- Returns:
The fetched or created User object.
- Return type:
- setUp()[source]#
Set up necessary objects for testing.
Creates Question and Voting objects for both classic and multiple choices type voting.
- test_filter()[source]#
Test case for filtering votes.
This method generates votes and then tests filtering them by voting_id and voter_id via GET requests, verifying the response status codes and content.
- test_gen_vote_invalid()[source]#
Test case for generating an invalid vote.
This method sends a POST request with invalid vote data and expects to receive a 401 Unauthorized status code.
- data#
A dictionary containing the invalid vote data.
- Type:
- test_hasvote()[source]#
Test case for checking if a specific vote exists.
This method tests the existence of a specific vote by voter_id and voting_id, verifying the response status codes and content.
- test_store_vote()[source]#
Test case for storing a valid vote.
This method creates a voting instance and a user, then sends a POST request to store a vote and expects to receive a 200 OK status code. It also checks the count and content of the Vote objects in the database to ensure the vote is stored correctly.
Primary key for the voting instance.
- Type:
- CTE_A#
Test constant for ‘a’ field in vote.
- Type:
- CTE_B#
Test constant for ‘b’ field in vote.
- Type:
- data#
A dictionary containing the vote data.
- Type:
- test_store_vote_choices()[source]#
Test case for storing multiple choice votes.
This method tests the storage of multiple choice votes by creating relevant data, sending a POST request, and verifying the response and database records.
- CTE_A#
Test constant for ‘a’ field in vote.
- Type:
- CTE_B#
Test constant for ‘b’ field in vote.
- Type:
- data#
A dictionary containing multiple votes data.
- Type:
- test_store_vote_text()[source]#
Test case for storing a text vote.
This method tests storing a text-based vote by creating relevant data, sending a POST request, and verifying the response and database records.
- CTE_A#
Test constant for ‘a’ field in vote.
- Type:
- CTE_B#
Test constant for ‘b’ field in vote.
- Type:
- data#
A dictionary containing the text vote data.
- Type:
- test_vote()[source]#
Test case for retrieving stored votes.
This method generates votes and then tests retrieving them via GET requests, verifying the response status codes and content.
- class store.tests.StorePreferenceCase[source]#
Test case for storing preference-type votes.
- class store.tests.StoreTextCase[source]#
Test case for storing text-type votes.