Visualizer Module#
The Visualizer module is responsible for presenting visual representations of data. This section documents the various components of the Visualizer module.
- class visualizer.views.VisualizerView[source]#
View for visualizing voting data.
This view renders a template for visualizing voting statistics, including the number of census entries, votes, and participation rate.
- Variables:
template_name (str) – The name of the template to render.
- get_context_data(**kwargs)[source]#
Retrieve the context data for rendering the template.
Retrieves information about a specific voting instance, including the number of census entries, votes, and participation rate.
- Parameters:
kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments.
- Returns:
A dictionary containing context data for the template.
- Return type:
- Raises:
Http404 – If an error occurs while retrieving or processing the voting data.
- template_name = 'visualizer/visualizer.html'#
- class visualizer.test_selenium.VisualizerTestCase[source]#
Test case for the Visualizer functionality.
This test case includes methods to create various types of votings, simulate user participation, and check the visualization results.
- Variables:
base – An instance of BaseTestCase for common test setup.
driver – The Selenium WebDriver instance for browser automation.
- create_classic_voting()[source]#
Create and return a classic voting with a test question and options.
- Returns:
The created Voting instance.
- Return type:
- create_comment_voting_started()[source]#
Create and return a comment voting with a test question and set the start date.
- Returns:
The created Voting instance.
- Return type:
- create_multiple_choice_voting_started()[source]#
Create and return a multiple-choice voting with a test question and options, and set the start date.
- Returns:
The created Voting instance.
- Return type:
- create_preference_voting_started()[source]#
Create and return a preference voting with a test question and options, and set the start date.
- Returns:
The created Voting instance.
- Return type:
- create_yesno_voting_started()[source]#
Create and return a Yes/No voting with a test question and options, and set the start date.
- Returns:
The created Voting instance.
- Return type:
- setUp()[source]#
Set up the test environment.
Initialize BaseTestCase and create a headless Chrome WebDriver.
- Returns:
- tearDown()[source]#
Tear down the test environment.
Quit the WebDriver and call the tearDown method of the base class.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_census_change()[source]#
Test the visualization when the census changes.
Create a voting with a test question and options, access the visualization page, record the census information, add new voters, and check if the census information changes.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_classic_finished()[source]#
Test the visualization for a finished classic voting.
Create a classic voting with a test question, set start and end dates, access the visualization page, and check various chart options.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_comment_finished()[source]#
Test the visualization for a finished comment voting.
Create a comment voting with a test question, set start and end dates, access the visualization page, and check if there are no select elements.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_multiple_choice_finished()[source]#
Test the visualization for a finished multiple-choice voting.
Create a multiple-choice voting with a test question, set start and end dates, access the visualization page, and check various chart options.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_not_started()[source]#
Test the visualization when the voting is not started.
Access the visualization page, check the voting state, and assert that it is not started.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_preference_finished()[source]#
Test the visualization for a finished preference voting.
Create a preference voting with a test question, set start and end dates, access the visualization page, and check various chart options.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_started_classic_with_census()[source]#
Test the visualization for a classic voting with a census.
Create a classic voting with a test question, add voters to the census, access the visualization page, and check the participation percentage.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_started_comment_with_census()[source]#
Test the visualization for a comment voting with a census.
Create a comment voting with a test question, add voters to the census, access the visualization page, and check the participation percentage.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_started_multiple_choice_with_census()[source]#
Test the visualization for a multiple-choice voting with a census.
Create a multiple-choice voting with a test question, add voters to the census, access the visualization page, and check the participation percentage.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_started_no_census()[source]#
Test the visualization when the voting is started but there is no census.
Create a voting with a test question and options, set the start date, access the visualization page, and check the participation information.
- Returns:
- test_visualizer_started_preference_with_census()[source]#
Test the visualization for a preference voting with a census.
Create a preference voting with a test question, add voters to the census, access the visualization page, and check the participation percentage.
- Returns: