Source code for mixnet.mixcrypt

>>> B = 256
>>> k1 = MixCrypt(bits=B)
>>> k2 = MixCrypt(k=k1.k, bits=B)
>>> k3 = gen_multiple_key(k1, k2)
>>> N = 4
>>> clears = [random.StrongRandom().randint(1, B) for i in range(N)]
>>> cipher = [k3.encrypt(i) for i in clears]
>>> d = multiple_decrypt_shuffle(cipher, k1, k2)
>>> clears == d
>>> sorted(clears) == sorted(d)

>>> B = 256
>>> k1 = MixCrypt(bits=B)
>>> k1.setk(167,156,89,130) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<Crypto.PublicKey.ElGamal.ElGamalobj object at 0x...>
>>> k2 = MixCrypt(bits=B)
>>> k2.setk(167,156,53,161) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<Crypto.PublicKey.ElGamal.ElGamalobj object at 0x...>
>>> k3 = MixCrypt(bits=B)
>>> k3.k = ElGamal.construct((167, 156, 4717))
>>> k3.k.p, k3.k.g, k3.k.y
(167, 156, 4717)
>>> N = 4
>>> clears = [2,3,6,4]
>>> cipher = [(161, 109), (17, 101), (148, 163), (71, 37)]
>>> d = multiple_decrypt_shuffle(cipher, k2, k1)
>>> clears == d
>>> sorted(clears) == sorted(d)

from pprint import pprint

from Crypto.PublicKey import ElGamal
from Crypto.Random import random
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.Util.number import GCD
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

[docs]def rand(p): """ Generates a random integer k where GCD(k, p-1) == 1. :param p: A prime number. :type p: int :return: A random integer k. :rtype: int """ while True: k = random.StrongRandom().randint(1, int(p) - 1) if GCD(k, int(p) - 1) == 1: break return k
[docs]def gen_multiple_key(*crypts): """ Generates a combined MixCrypt object from multiple MixCrypt objects. :param crypts: Variable number of MixCrypt objects. :type crypts: tuple :return: A new MixCrypt object with combined properties. :rtype: MixCrypt """ k1 = crypts[0] k = MixCrypt(k=k1.k, bits=k1.bits) k.k.y = 1 for kx in crypts: k.k.y *= kx.k.y k.k.y = k.k.y % k.k.p return k
[docs]def multiple_decrypt(c, *crypts): """ Sequentially decrypts a cipher using multiple MixCrypt objects. :param c: The cipher to decrypt. :type c: tuple :param crypts: Variable number of MixCrypt objects for decryption. :type crypts: tuple :return: The decrypted message. :rtype: int """ a, b = c for k in crypts: b = k.decrypt((a, b)) return b
[docs]def multiple_decrypt_shuffle(ciphers, *crypts): """ Sequentially decrypts and shuffles a list of ciphers using multiple MixCrypt objects. :param ciphers: The list of ciphers to decrypt and shuffle. :type ciphers: list :param crypts: Variable number of MixCrypt objects for decryption and shuffling. :type crypts: tuple :return: The list of decrypted and shuffled messages. :rtype: list """ b = ciphers for i, k in enumerate(crypts): last = i == len(crypts) - 1 b = k.shuffle_decrypt(b, last) return b
[docs]def multiple_decrypt_shuffle2(ciphers, *crypts, pubkey=None): """ Decrypts and shuffles a list of ciphers using multiple MixCrypt objects. :param ciphers: The list of ciphers to decrypt and shuffle. :type ciphers: list :param crypts: Variable number of MixCrypt objects for decryption and shuffling. :type crypts: tuple :param pubkey: Optional public key used in the shuffling process. :type pubkey: tuple, optional :return: The list of decrypted and shuffled messages. :rtype: list """ ''' >>> B = 256 >>> k1 = MixCrypt(bits=B) >>> k2 = MixCrypt(k=k1.k, bits=B) >>> k3 = gen_multiple_key(k1, k2) >>> pk = pubkey=(k3.k.p, k3.k.g, k3.k.y) >>> N = 8 >>> clears = [random.StrongRandom().randint(1, B) for i in range(N)] >>> cipher = [k3.encrypt(i) for i in clears] >>> d = multiple_decrypt_shuffle2(cipher, k1, k2, pubkey=pk) >>> clears == d False >>> sorted(clears) == sorted(d) True ''' b = ciphers.copy() # shuffle for k in crypts: b = k.shuffle(b, pubkey) # decrypt for i, k in enumerate(crypts): last = i == len(crypts) - 1 b = k.multiple_decrypt(b, last=last) return b
[docs]class MixCrypt: """ A class for cryptographic operations based on the ElGamal encryption scheme. :param k: Optional pre-existing key to initialize the MixCrypt. :type k: ElGamal key, optional :param bits: Bit size for the key generation. :type bits: int """
[docs] def __init__(self, k=None, bits=256): self.bits = bits if k: self.k = self.getk(k.p, k.g) else: self.k = self.genk()
[docs] def genk(self): """ Generates a new ElGamal key. :return: The generated ElGamal key. :rtype: ElGamal key """ self.k = ElGamal.generate(self.bits, return self.k
[docs] def getk(self, p, g): """ Constructs an ElGamal key from given parameters. :param p: Prime number. :type p: int :param g: Generator number. :type g: int :return: The constructed ElGamal key. :rtype: ElGamal key """ x = rand(p) y = pow(g, x, p) self.k = ElGamal.construct((p, g, y, x)) return self.k
[docs] def setk(self, p, g, y, x): """ Sets the ElGamal key with specified parameters. :param p: Prime number. :type p: int :param g: Generator number. :type g: int :param y: Public key component. :type y: int :param x: Private key component. :type x: int :return: The set ElGamal key. :rtype: ElGamal key """ self.k = ElGamal.construct((p, g, y, x)) return self.k
[docs] def encrypt(self, m, k=None): """ Encrypts a message using ElGamal encryption. :param m: The message to encrypt. :type m: int :param k: Optional key to use for encryption. If not provided, use the instance's key. :type k: ElGamal key, optional :return: The encrypted message. :rtype: tuple """ r = rand(self.k.p) if not k: k = self.k a, b = k._encrypt(m, r) return a, b
[docs] def decrypt(self, c): """ Decrypts an ElGamal encrypted message. :param c: The encrypted message tuple. :type c: tuple :return: The decrypted message. :rtype: int """ m = self.k._decrypt(c) return m
[docs] def multiple_decrypt(self, msgs, last=True): """ Decrypts multiple messages, optionally leaving them in tuple form. :param msgs: List of encrypted message tuples. :type msgs: list :param last: If True, return the clear message; if False, return a tuple with the original 'a' value and the decrypted 'b'. :type last: bool :return: List of decrypted messages or message tuples. :rtype: list """ msgs2 = [] for a, b in msgs: clear = self.decrypt((a, b)) if last: msg = clear else: msg = (a, clear) msgs2.append(msg) return msgs2
[docs] def shuffle_decrypt(self, msgs, last=True): """ Shuffles and decrypts a list of encrypted messages. :param msgs: The list of messages to shuffle and decrypt. :type msgs: list :param last: If True, only the decrypted message is returned; if False, a tuple is returned with the original 'a' value and the decrypted 'b'. :type last: bool :return: The shuffled and decrypted list of messages. :rtype: list """ msgs2 = msgs.copy() msgs3 = [] while msgs2: n = random.StrongRandom().randint(0, len(msgs2) - 1) a, b = msgs2.pop(n) clear = self.decrypt((a, b)) if last: msg = clear else: msg = (a, clear) msgs3.append(msg) return msgs3
[docs] def reencrypt(self, cipher, pubkey=None): """ Re-encrypts an encrypted message, optionally with a new public key. :param cipher: The encrypted message to re-encrypt. :type cipher: tuple :param pubkey: Optional public key for re-encryption. If not provided, the instance's key is used. :type pubkey: tuple, optional :return: The re-encrypted message. :rtype: tuple """ ''' >>> B = 256 >>> k = MixCrypt(bits=B) >>> clears = [random.StrongRandom().randint(1, B) for i in range(5)] >>> cipher = [k.encrypt(i) for i in clears] >>> cipher2 = [k.reencrypt(i) for i in cipher] >>> d = [k.decrypt(i) for i in cipher] >>> d2 = [k.decrypt(i) for i in cipher2] >>> clears == d == d2 True >>> cipher != cipher2 True ''' if pubkey: p, g, y = pubkey k = ElGamal.construct((p, g, y)) else: k = self.k a, b = map(int, cipher) a1, b1 = map(int, self.encrypt(1, k=k)) p = int(k.p) return ((a * a1) % p, (b * b1) % p)
[docs] def gen_perm(self, l): """ Generates a permutation of indices for a given length. :param l: The length of the list to generate a permutation for. :type l: int :return: A list of permuted indices. :rtype: list """ x = list(range(l)) for i in range(l): d = random.StrongRandom().randint(0, i) if i != d: x[i] = x[d] x[d] = i return x
[docs] def shuffle(self, msgs, pubkey=None): """ Re-encrypts and shuffles a list of messages. :param msgs: The list of messages to re-encrypt and shuffle. :type msgs: list :param pubkey: Optional public key for re-encryption. If not provided, the instance's key is used. :type pubkey: tuple, optional :return: The shuffled and re-encrypted list of messages. :rtype: list """ msgs2 = msgs.copy() perm = self.gen_perm(len(msgs)) for i, p in enumerate(perm): m = msgs[p] nm = self.reencrypt(m, pubkey) msgs2[i] = nm return msgs2
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()