Source code for mixnet.tests

from django.conf import settings
from rest_framework.test import APIClient
from rest_framework.test import APITestCase
from import nottest

from mixnet.mixcrypt import MixCrypt
from mixnet.mixcrypt import ElGamal

from base import mods

[docs]@nottest class MixnetCase(APITestCase): """ Test case class for Mixnet related operations. This class contains several test methods for testing Mixnet functionalities including encryption, shuffling, and decryption in various scenarios. """
[docs] def setUp(self): """ Set up function for test case. Initializes the test client and applies necessary mocks. """ self.client = APIClient() mods.mock_query(self.client)
[docs] def tearDown(self): """ Tear down function for test case. Cleans up resources after each test method. """ self.client = None
[docs] def encrypt_msgs(self, msgs, pk, bits=settings.KEYBITS): """ Encrypts a list of messages using the provided public key. :param msgs: Messages to be encrypted. :type msgs: list :param pk: Public key used for encryption. :type pk: tuple :param bits: Bit size for encryption. :type bits: int :return: List of encrypted messages. :rtype: list """ p, g, y = pk k = MixCrypt(bits=bits) k.k = ElGamal.construct((p, g, y)) cipher = [k.encrypt(i) for i in msgs] return cipher
[docs] def test_create(self): """ Test case for creating a Mixnet instance. Validates the creation and key types of a new Mixnet instance. """ data = { "voting": 1, "auths": [ {"name": "auth1", "url": "http://localhost:8000"} ] } response ='/mixnet/', data, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) key = response.json() self.key = key self.assertEqual(type(key["g"]), int) self.assertEqual(type(key["p"]), int) self.assertEqual(type(key["y"]), int)
[docs] def test_shuffle(self): """ Test case for shuffling encrypted messages in Mixnet. Validates the shuffling functionality and ensures the shuffled messages are different from the original. """ self.test_create() clear = [2, 3, 4, 5] pk = self.key["p"], self.key["g"], self.key["y"] encrypt = self.encrypt_msgs(clear, pk) data = { "msgs": encrypt } response ='/mixnet/shuffle/1/', data, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) shuffled = response.json() self.assertNotEqual(shuffled, encrypt)
[docs] def test_shuffle2(self): """ Second test case for shuffling encrypted messages in Mixnet. Similar to 'test_shuffle' but includes additional public key parameter. """ self.test_create() clear = [2, 3, 4, 5] pk = self.key["p"], self.key["g"], self.key["y"] encrypt = self.encrypt_msgs(clear, pk) data = { "msgs": encrypt, "pk": self.key } response ='/mixnet/shuffle/1/', data, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) shuffled = response.json() self.assertNotEqual(shuffled, encrypt)
[docs] def test_decrypt(self): """ Test case for decrypting shuffled messages in Mixnet. Validates decryption functionality and ensures decrypted messages match the original pre-shuffled messages. """ self.test_create() clear = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] pk = self.key["p"], self.key["g"], self.key["y"] encrypt = self.encrypt_msgs(clear, pk) data = {"msgs": encrypt} response ='/mixnet/shuffle/1/', data, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) shuffled = response.json() self.assertNotEqual(shuffled, encrypt) data = {"msgs": shuffled} response ='/mixnet/decrypt/1/', data, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) clear2 = response.json() self.assertNotEqual(clear, clear2) self.assertEqual(sorted(clear), sorted(clear2))
[docs] def test_multiple_auths(self): """ This test emulates a two authorities shuffle and decryption. We create two votings, one with id 1 and another one with id 2, to have this separated in the test db. Then we compose the PublicKey of both auths. Then we encrypt the text with the PK and shuffle two times, once with each voting/auth. Then we decrypt with the first voting/auth and decrypt the result with the second voting/auth. """ data = {"voting": 1, "auths": [ {"name": "auth1", "url": "http://localhost:8000"}]} response ='/mixnet/', data, format='json') key = response.json() pk1 = key["p"], key["g"], key["y"] data = { "voting": 2, "auths": [{"name": "auth2", "url": "http://localhost:8000"}], "key": {"p": pk1[0], "g": pk1[1]} } response ='/mixnet/', data, format='json') key = response.json() pk2 = key["p"], key["g"], key["y"] self.assertEqual(pk1[:2], pk2[:2]) pk = (pk1[0], pk1[1], (pk1[2] * pk2[2]) % pk1[0]) key = {"p": pk[0], "g": pk[1], "y": pk[2]} clear = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] encrypt = self.encrypt_msgs(clear, pk) data = {"msgs": encrypt, "pk": key} response ='/mixnet/shuffle/1/', data, format='json') shuffled = response.json() self.assertNotEqual(shuffled, encrypt) data = {"msgs": shuffled, "pk": key} response ='/mixnet/shuffle/2/', data, format='json') self.assertNotEqual(shuffled, encrypt) shuffled = response.json() data = {"msgs": shuffled, "pk": key, "force-last": False} response ='/mixnet/decrypt/1/', data, format='json') clear1 = response.json() data = {"msgs": clear1, "pk": key} response ='/mixnet/decrypt/2/', data, format='json') clear2 = response.json() self.assertNotEqual(clear, clear2) self.assertEqual(sorted(clear), sorted(clear2))
[docs] def test_multiple_auths_mock(self): """ Test case for emulating shuffle and decryption with multiple authorities using mocks. Similar to 'test_multiple_auths' but uses mocked data and settings. """ data = { "voting": 1, "auths": [ {"name": "auth1", "url": "http://localhost:8000"}, {"name": "auth2", "url": ""}, ] } response ='/mixnet/', data, format='json') key = response.json() pk = key["p"], key["g"], key["y"] clear = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] encrypt = self.encrypt_msgs(clear, pk) data = {"msgs": encrypt, "pk": key} response ='/mixnet/shuffle/1/', data, format='json') shuffled = response.json() self.assertNotEqual(shuffled, encrypt) data = {"msgs": shuffled, "pk": key} response ='/mixnet/decrypt/1/', data, format='json') clear1 = response.json() self.assertNotEqual(clear, clear1) self.assertEqual(sorted(clear), sorted(clear1))