Source code for voting.forms

from voting.models import Voting
from django.forms import ModelForm
from voting.filters import StartedFilter
from voting.models import Voting
from django.forms import ModelForm
from voting.filters import StartedFilter

[docs]class UpdateVotingForm(ModelForm): """ A Django ModelForm for updating Voting instances. This form is used to update the details of a Voting instance. It includes fields for the name, description, and associated question of the Voting. Attributes: Meta: An inner class that provides metadata to the ModelForm class. It defines the model associated with the form and the fields to be included in the form. """
[docs] class Meta: """ Meta class for UpdateVotingForm. Specifies the model and fields associated with this form. Attributes: model: The model associated with this form. fields: The fields of the model to include in this form. """ model = Voting fields = ['name', 'desc', 'question']