Source code for booth.tests
from django.test import TestCase
from base.tests import BaseTestCase
# Create your tests here.
[docs]class BoothTestCase(BaseTestCase):
Test case for the BoothView in the booth app.
This test case includes methods to test the behavior of the BoothView under different scenarios.
:ivar client: The Django test client used to simulate HTTP requests.
:vartype client: Client
[docs] def setUp(self):
Set up the test environment before each test method is run.
This method is called before each test method in the test case.
:return: None
[docs] def tearDown(self):
Clean up the test environment after each test method is run.
This method is called after each test method in the test case.
:return: None
[docs] def testBoothNotFound(self):
Test the behavior when trying to access a non-existing booth.
The view should return a 404 status code when attempting to access a booth
with a voting ID that does not exist.
:return: None
response = self.client.get('/booth/10000/')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
[docs] def testBoothRedirection(self):
Test the behavior when accessing a booth without a trailing slash.
The view should return a 301 (permanent redirect) status code when accessing a booth
with a voting ID without a trailing slash.
:return: None
response = self.client.get('/booth/10000')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 301)